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The 2 pm coffee is a ritual in the Distl office. Several of us Distl crowd into the kitchen for our afternoon caffeine hit and a quick catch up about our days, what we’re working on and, often, what marketing campaigns we’ve seen lately.
While talking about a major campaign we had recently seen, I realised how cynical of marketing we are. We can spot it a mile away and resent it to the point we have become so desensitised that we simply miss the message.
And marketing is what we’re passionate about. Imagine the pain felt by the average audience.
In our work, we’re increasingly seeing how traditional marketing methods fall on deaf ears when trying to reach millennials.
But, how to overcome this challenge? It got me thinking. Cue a quick brainstorm and chat with my fellow Distl… and “tada”, six basic tips to help you market to a millennial.
Organic and inspiring content is what will engage a millennial. A millennial doesn’t want to hear the hard sell. To us, it is a major turn-off. Save it for the baby boomers.
We don’t buy into traditional marketing. We want discussion and relationships. We have a deep need for connection. Your brand and the personalities within your brand are more important than ever.
So, ditch the old-school techniques and get real with your audience!
You can’t “blanket target” an age group or demographic anymore. Millennials are not a traditional generation. Typically, we aren’t getting married in our early 20’s, popping out a few kids, settling in the suburbs and spending weekends at the park with the family dog.
We are not the same as our parents or grandparents. We are diverse and need to be marketed to in a specific way.
To reach a millennial, you need to get specific and develop an acute approach to audience targeting.
Millennials are always connected and wanting to share. With technology at our fingertips, sharing is easier than ever and it is second nature for us to snap, live stream and post what we’re up to. We also tag companies (this might be a restaurant, a clothing brand, technology provider, a club… even the local grocer!) in our images.
In return for sharing our lives, we love to see what our friends and loved brands are up to, whether it is through Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook or one of the other countless platforms. Plus – we LOVE receiving comments, likes and engagement. Vain? Probably. Marketing opportunity? Definitely.
Getting connected with your audience means more than just sharing your latest offering or a cool photo – it’s two-way, mutual discussion and relationship building.
Videos are emotional rollercoasters. They can be fun, adventurous, raw, engaging, upsetting, uplifting… They can be highly produced, they can be in the moment. Plus, they receive next-level engagement.
The opportunity presented through the use of video content is unlimited and often unrealised by many companies.
Millennials use their mobiles ALL the time! Research shows that a whopping 47% of millennials can’t bear to live without their smartphones. So, no, it isn’t your imagination: we are addicted to our phones!
What does this mean for marketers? If you’re not mobile friendly, you’re probably missing out.
Millennials live fast, trust few and change often. The average millennial is constantly on the look-out for new opportunities. Unfortunately for many businesses, this can result in a constantly shifting customer base.
This can be combated! How?
Do you need help creating a millennial-friendly a content strategy?
No more missed opportunities. No shoehorning, railroading or using a jack hammer to crack a walnut. No more wasted branding, web or marketing dollars.
David Metcalf
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